Position: Media Coordinator

Academic Year: Graduate

Major/Minor: MS in Computer Science

Hometown: Plainfield, IL

High School: Plainfield North High School

Favorite Event/Distance: 400m Hurdles

Favorite Song: Homecoming by Kanye West

Favorite Things About the Club: I joined the club for the same reason that everyone does: the running. But I’ve really stuck around because of the people here. It’s a really awesome group to be around and I’ve met some really great people as a part of my time on the club. I also think our club game events like ultimate frisbee and kickball are super fun and you should definitely get out to one during your first couple weeks on the club!

Anything Else the Club Should Know: My day job is that I’m the commissioner of the most competitive and top-ranked disc golf league in the greater East Lansing area, which is known as the Rut Disc Golf Association (RDGA). This isn’t your local backyard beer league; I take my work very seriously and will not standby and watch the game be disrespected by a bunch of bubble blowing babies. That said, if you think you have what it takes, feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to play a round or two.