MSU Running Club FAQs

Who Are We? MSU Running Club is the official club sport for Cross Country and Track & Field at Michigan State University as well as an original member club of the National Intercollegiate Running Club Association (NIRCA). We are made up of MSU students of all walks of life and running experience. All you need to do to be an eligible member is be enrolled as a student at Michigan State University (undergraduate or graduate), fill out our club’s member registration form, and pay your $50 annual club dues. Once that is all completed, you will officially be a member of the club and will be added to our club’s communication channels such as our GroupMe and our email list. These channels will give you information about our upcoming club events, such as social events and meets.

What Do We Do? We run! But we also do a whole lot of other things as well. We hold social events for our members like kickball, ultimate frisbee, tailgates for football games, scavenger hunts, and many more events to help you get to know your fellow members of the club. We also are a member club of the National Intercollegiate Running Club Association (NIRCA), which allows us to participate in cross country and track & field meets against other university’s club teams throughout the country. We attend meets in multiple states, including Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and Virginia.

When Do We Meet? Practice is held Monday - Friday at 5PM during Michigan State University’s Fall and Spring semesters.

Where Do We Meet? Outside of IM West, on the front steps closest to Spartan Stadium. If you are unsure of where IM West is, the address for the building is the same as our club’s address listed at the bottom of this webpage.

I’ve Never Run Before, Can I Still Join the Club? Of course! We accept all runners, regardless of skill level and experience. Unlike some other club sports, there are no cuts for MSU Running Club, so it doesn’t matter if you are super competitive and looking to win NIRCA Nationals or just someone looking to pick up hobby jogging, you’ll find a place that fits your needs on this club.

I Do Field Events, Can I Still Join the Club to Participate in Meets? Yes! While our name is MSU Running Club, running isn’t the only thing we do. As the official club sport for Track & Field, we also also accept field event athletes as members and help facilitate travel to and from our meets for members who want to participate in field events. We also keep club records for members who participate in field events, which can be found on the Records tab of this website.